Posted by Austin H. on May 03, 2001 at 17:31:29:
I would like to know everyones oppinions on playing the "contra octave"-(taking notes down an occtave where not neccisarrily written- in band parts. My dad said that the air force band was doing it and he said it was the best tuba cestion he'd ever heard. I was doing it in my high school band, and at state festival, people said that it was the best high school tuba section they'd ever heard. Also, we went to the Grand NAI (National Adjudicators Festival) and they award an outstanding brass award to a section, and you guessed it, our tuba section got it. I think that the contra octave adds alot to the "depth" of the band, and it makes the band sound nice and dark. We listened to the Grand NAI cd of our band on my dad's huge speakers, and you could literally feel the low notes even if you weren't in the same room. Well, what are your oppinions of doing this?
thanks in advance