Posted by Austin H. on May 05, 2001 at 23:24:01:
In Reply to: Re: Re: Re: Contra-Octave in band playing posted by i still think you have a lot to learn on May 05, 2001 at 19:43:58:
Okay, we had numerous recording sessions, etc. before the grand NAI. I knew exactly how it sounded with the contra-octave, and I, as well as others who listened liked it. We performed it before the festival and numerous people said it was the best sounding tuba section they'd ever heard. If I'm a "stupid kid" for making a musical decision that I, as well as others in higher positions than me believed would improve the sound of the band, whith, I add, the conductors permission, then I guess we're all just stupid kids. You need to cool it, I was taught solfege when I was a beginner by one of the same people who told me to do the contra-octave. As far as the keyborad goes, I've never had time to take lessons, although my mom used to teach piano. I don't see what this has to do with contra-octave playing in band pieces, which, if you'll look up towards the top, is the subject of the initial post. As far as "intonation, articulation, dynamics, expression, sight reading" goes, you'd have to either hear me play or ask someone that has, I'm currently first chair all-state in my state, as has been posted previously. Again, nothing to do with the subject. I do not want to come across as being arrogant in posting this, but by calling me a "stupid kid" I pretty much can't let it go un-replied. What I am saying is I knew how it sounded before the performance, and I liked it. You may have too, you may not have. Maybe I'll make an Mp3 of it sometime. Our band won the festival honor award, which is the highest score of that day. I think you'd be suprised, but you may still hate it. I'm not at all trying to "brag" or anything like that in this post, I'm simply replying to your post the best I can. Thank you for your comment and have a nice day.