Posted by doubler on February 21, 2000 at 18:32:30:
In Reply to: Re: Re: Re: Re: Civic posted by High Schooler on February 21, 2000 at 18:16:18:
A - I am not a pro musician. If you want my advice in MY CHOSEN PROFESSION, you will pay $240 per hour, especially if you think you are ENTITLED to it for free. BTW, I stay as busy as I choose to stay in my profession, at the above rate. That's what a 'profession' is, exchanging your abilities or expertise for money.
B - To ANY professional, time=money. When you approach a pro asking for advice, you should do so almost as though you are asking for money. Would you ask your doctor for free advice, and be outraged at the notion that you should be appreciative?
C - The pros on this list DO sell their expertise. They use it to feed their families. How DARE you assume you have the god-given RIGHT to free advice from them?!?! They (and yeah, even amateur hacks like me) do you a favor by offering advice.
D - If you were MY son, I'd take you to the woodshed and wear out your jinkos 'til you learn a little respect for your elders, and cease to be such an ungrateful spoiled brat.
E - I'm not interested in a running tit-for-tat, so frankly I'm through with this. If you want to rant, go ahead. You only make my point.