Posted by Jay Bertolet on February 21, 2000 at 20:58:50:
In Reply to: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Civic posted by doubler on February 21, 2000 at 19:44:36:
Well said!
Incidentally, anyone who begrudges a teacher making a living and who believes that this art shouldn't also provide a living for those who make it will need to help me explain that fact to the bank (who holds the mortgage on my house), the auto dealership (who is leasing me my vehicle), and all the musical equipment manufacturers and dealers who expect to be paid for the equipment and services they sell me which allow me to continue to play. Also the grocery store (who sells me food) and the government which exacts taxes on my wages. I think that ultimately, just about every private lesson teacher is in it for the love of the art because nobody I know is getting rich teaching lessons! I know that I teach lessons simply to give something back to the art and my fees only serve to cover my expenses and keep students motivated.