Posted by David L. Allen on September 29, 2003 at 13:43:57:
Hey guys,
Today, I have set my date to have bariatric surgery (gastric bypass, stomach staple or whatever you want to call it). October 15 is the date that I will take the step to change my life forever. As I was thinking about it, I know there have been several discussions regarding tuba playing & weight in the past so I have a proposal. I am currently 6'3 & 340lbs. After my surgery I will expierience an extremly rapid rate of wieght loss - somewhere in the neighborhood of 100-120 lbs in 6 months and probably 140lbs total depending on if I feel comfortable getting below 200lbs or not. As a result I would like to study the effects of weight loss on my ability to play the tuba and funtion as a musician. My chops are in semi descent shape but I will take the next two weeks and build them as best I can to try to obtain good qualitative results.
Now Im sure there are the Rick Denney's and J.S's out there who could think of some great QUANTITATIVE as well as QUALITATIVE experiments that I could conduct during the rapid potion of my weight loss. I would love to entertain any reasonalble suggestions that might be of benifit to the general knowledge base of tubists and/or brass players in general. I believe a good end goal might result in the publishing of the finding in the TUBA (sorry, ITEC) Journal. I already have some ideas in mind that include weight vs. vital capasity, tonal changes vs. weight loss, and general flexibility as a result of WL. If any of you would like to chime in, this might be a good opportuniuty to get some potentially valuable reasearch material.
For those who don't know me or would like to see my personal journal entries online, here is the link: