Posted by Brett on May 27, 1999 at 09:23:06:
In Reply to: Florida State U. posted by Pearl Wu on May 27, 1999 at 08:03:03:
I have had several friends begin college at Florida State University, and they have all transferred to different schools because the School of Music left sour tastes in their mouths. To be honest, I know more about their other brass programs than I do about the Tuba studio, but I believe that the entire Music Dept. is over rated. From what I have heard, they used to be much better than they are now, and that they are not headed in the correct direction. If your son is interested in the public colleges in Florida, I suggest that he check out the University of South Florida. Their Tuba studio is my opinion the best in the State. The University of Florida has an amazing teacher (Gail Robertson, euphonium), but only a couple of decent players (should be improving in the next couple of years). I know that my opinion of Florida State may not be entirely valid, it is what I have learned from friends that have attended.