Posted by James McNeil on June 26, 2002 at 04:09:12:
In Reply to: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Was Blue Shades topic below posted by Rick Denney on June 24, 2002 at 12:34:03:
Its still illegal because the poor kid didn't buy the music. If its a copy, its still illegal Rick. If a teacher copies a part for a student (even if its the first page) isn't it the same as Mr. L printing' me up a copy of the first movement of Ghost Train. The law is blind, America is going to hell in a hand basket, the Lakers won, Fox is receiving decent ratings! The poor, poor printing conglomerate can't rip off another rude, law neglecting musician, and since they've been deprived of their hard earned money, they're probably going to take legal action. The cold heartless justice system. Revolution! my comrads! The truth is that no jury on this side of texas would convict some teacher of copyin' a part for some kid.
"just leting the bad people who copy music know the risk of breaking the law!!!"
James McNeil
"Just warning others about the risk of copyright infringement"
James McNeil
(who signs his real name)