Re: Re: Re: What music degrees lack?

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Posted by Matt G on October 18, 2002 at 09:37:04:

In Reply to: Re: Re: What music degrees lack? posted by dp on October 18, 2002 at 08:43:08:

Both are resultant of each other just different means to the end.

Going to school to get a job is wrong. Going to school to get information to do a job well is right. We are the makers of our own destiny, however at 18 years of age, even though these "kids" are technically adults, they still need and use guidance from the teachers and administration at the school they are enrolled in. Just like I opted to take wood shop in eighth grade which helps me to this day. I studied and got good grades in college algebra and economics and I'm glad I did. However, if I didn't have to take these classes I probably wouldn't have. In hindsight, it was well worth it. I mention a few more classes to help students generate more tools for their own success.

YES, the student is ultimately responsible in all dynamics.

Would you have gone to public school when you were an adolescent or played stickball with your freinds? We rely upon the education machines to guide us as well as educate us. Right now a lot of them are struggling at both.

Matt G

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