Opinions -- help with thesis topic

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Posted by lisa on October 01, 2002 at 17:41:50:

Hi all,

This might be a little bit un-tuba related, but I am currently working on some ideas for my theory master's thesis. I am looking at ways music can alter our minds, and hoping to create an interative computer-based system that can compare certain musical variables and how they will affect a person's "psychology"... The ultimate goal is to research whether or not music is able to cause positive physiological chemical changes in our bodies. (Eventual dissertation hopefully!)

In short, I am wondering, do any of you find that listening to, or playing, faster, more "upbeat" (for lack of a better term!) pieces make you feel generally more aware, or "happier", than a slower, less harmonically intricate piece might? I realize everyone feels differently about different sorts of music, so maybe a more obvious question to ask would be, do you feel better after hearing or playing music you "enjoy" as opposed to just hearing any random music in general? It seems obvious I guess, but I'm looking for definite input from other musicians. I apologize for the "layman's" terms, but I am still trying to figure out how to put into words what is going on in my head!

I would appreciate any insights or comments. Thanks in advance, it is greatly appreciated! If anyone has questions or other remarks, my email is given above.

Thank you!

-Lisa Kaye Muth, Master's Student in Music Theory / Technology, University of Tennessee

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