Posted by js on October 21, 2001 at 16:57:28:
In Reply to: Eb value posted by Beau Cromwell on October 21, 2001 at 09:27:26:
There has been a three-valve front-action King (very comparable) that has been re-re-re listed on ebay without any bids.
Your friend may think his instrument is worth more than it actually is, and I agree - an offer might insult him at the wrong time in his life.
As Joe "Ann Landers" S., I would recommend avoiding the subject of buying the tuba and concentrate on spending time with your friend. Whether or not you eventually end up with HIS tuba, Eb's such as these are available and inexpensive.
If your friend keeps bringing up the tuba, promise him that you will take care of getting it sold for him for as much as possible and that you'll get the money to the relatives to the relative(s) of his choice.
Hey tubenetters, do you think I'm offering OK advice here?