Posted by Bryan on October 29, 2000 at 01:12:31:
In Reply to: Re: Besson Souv. Bb posted by Andrew on October 28, 2000 at 12:34:31:
"They are notoriously matter how carefully (or
how brazenly) you approach any note or passage you can NEVER be confident of what will come out" ...Going to have to disagree with this comment. If you know (and can buzz) the note you intend to play, the horn will respond in kind. The horns are mostly used in brass bands, with 2 BBb's and 2 EEb's. This voicing allows the BBb player to concentrate on a full bass sound, with the "punch" being produced by the EEb's. I have seen these horns used in solo work, but with less than impressive results. It's role is best left to the thankless but inspiring job of laying down the foundation. Nice thick sound when played with the right approach.