Posted by Randy Mac Iver on October 01, 2000 at 16:45:54:
In Reply to: Playing loud with a good sound posted by Tubanator on October 01, 2000 at 15:00:49:
There is no secret, just practice playing loud. With time your volume may increase but always keep in mind that you need to keep the tone under control. At first this will be hard to do but after much practice you will get as loud as you and your horn will allow with out sounding bad. Long tones are the way to go. Most people don't practice playing loud and just assume that they can. This is usually when people get called out for spreading the tone. Something else to consider is some type of a exercise to strengthen the lungs. Check out the Windsong press, (under music shops at the site) and look at some of the breath builder devices too.
Randy Mac Iver