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Posted by Lonny on March 21, 2003 at 08:52:53:

In Reply to: PLEASE ADVISE - NEED A TUBA posted by dogger on March 20, 2003 at 12:11:06:

I think a $3000 budget is very reasonable. We tend to get stuck on the "best" and forget the "great" when it comes to shopping for a tuba. I was in the exact situation you are in about 5 years ago. Same age and everything. I looked around on eBay and such and was within <30 seconds of owning a Mirafone when I got sniped. Ended up following up on a simple "Tuba for sale" post on this board. Bought a Yamaha YBB641 (please, put away the flamethrowers) and I've been very pleased with the instrument. At my level of ability this horn does everything I want or need it to do. Price? Let's just say that your budget would still have enough left over for a really nice vacation with your wife. Be patient, keep looking, be flexible, be willing to go look one over and you'll be successful. Good luck!

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