Posted by More info, please on March 24, 2001 at 00:38:06:
In Reply to: considering a Conn 56J posted by Dan on March 23, 2001 at 13:03:10:
I have also been interested in the 56-J. However, I haven't seen a post that really addresses the versatility question, in-depth. Yes it's versatile, but HOW versatile? Obviously, solo and quint work is right up its alley, but what about the really big stuff - Mahler or Prokofiev, Great Gate, stuff that needs a big presence.
Does the small bore make the low register easy and full, or does it sound too small down around low D for something like Young Person's Guide? Will the low register really pop, and cut through?
How about the high range? Say, Berlioz. Is it as full as the money register?
How is the response throughout the range? How well does it slot in the low and high registers? Do the sound and playing characteristics compare to the G-50? Better for large ensemble work? Worse? Is it comparable to a 186 in terms of fullness and projection?
What about tone color? Dark? Bright? Warm? Lots of fundamental or is it overtone-rich?
In a nutshell, if you could only own one horn, would this one be on your short list? I'd play one if they were available in my area.