Posted by Kevin on June 24, 2003 at 21:22:23:
In Reply to: Re: Re: Re: Re: Results from Womens Brass Conference posted by Heather Noyes on June 24, 2003 at 18:29:49:
I'm all for equality - as long it it's (BUM BUM BUMMMMMMM) equal; hence the word EQUALity. And believe it or not, I AM on your side!! But you, yourself, said
"Having attended many ITECS, I have always felt very intimidated and left out and for the first time I felt welcomed and included, regardless of my ability or aims in music. I'm all for competing equally with men, I just really liked the opportunity to be treated as an equal for once in my life."
You're actually proving my point. I wonder how things would've turned out if it were a "Men's" conference.
Or maybe another question should be, would you have placed as well as you have if the competition wasn't the IWBC? Does that make it any better? I'm sure that you deserve all the kudos, i'm not taking that away. But the question still stands.
AFIK, ITEC/ITEA has not discriminated against anyone for the sake of their gender. And if they have, I want no part of it! Also, if they have, it would be akin to having feminists choosing women just to promote women over men with no other merits than having the right/wrong genitals. If it's not fair, then, it's not fair.
If they're both the same in acceptance of both genders, then why did you feel that you were being "treated as an equal for once"? Was it the fact that "Women" was in the name?
Are you suggesting that ITEC/ITEA are for the advancement, to inform, and mostly inspire males? If you are, then I suggest you to not support the ITEA/ITEC and take no part in it - as will I IF it proves to be a biased organization.
"The IWBC exists to provide opportunities that will educate, develop, support and inspire all women brass musicians..."
Would it be fair if there was an organization that did the same for men? The IMBC?
How about the NAACP vs. NAAWP? Afterall, we have the NBA and the WNBA. If the women of the WNBA want to be a part of the NBA, then fine with me. How do you think they'll do going up against SHAQ? Hardly a chance, but I guess that would be unfair.
If you want it to be a level playing field, then don't make one side more level than the other. That is all I'm saying....
Kevin "who grew bored of this topic way too fast"
BTW....I"m not concerned about the male-bashing....Women are from Venus, Men are from Mars or how about..... Men are dogs, women are _______ (fill in the blank).
returning to "lurk" mode.