Posted by Gary Press on June 19, 2002 at 07:42:52:
In Reply to: Teaching woes posted by Annoyed on June 18, 2002 at 22:13:11:
I agree very much with what Mr. Thirtyman said. I would add that if this is indeed a young student (and that seems to be the impression I get), its important for all of us serious musicians to remember that the instrument may not be the number one priority (or even second or third or fourth)in our students' lives (nor should it have to be). If your students are anything like mine, they have an awful lot on their plates at any given moment what with schoolwork, playing school sports, budding relationships, problems at home, etc. It sounds like the instrument is of some important to her since she does come prepared half the time, but that sometimes other things take precedence over it.
Something that really helps with some of my kids is to help them set some concrete goals that THEY really want to achieve mixed in with one or two that I'd really like to see happen. Things like setting up a class recital for all students in the studio can also be a motivating factor or encouraging them to enter a solo competition of some sort.
I've always believed that its important to keep lessons fun, since the reason we do anything we like is because we enjoy it (how profound). Duets can sometimes help in this regard.
Obviously, I make no judgements on anyone's teaching style here. I have, however, tried to learn from what I've seen some teachers do...both good and bad. I try hard not to let lessons be an impersonal "I tell you to do this, you do it" type thing. I think kids and people in general respond better when they feel like a teacher really cares about them as people and when a teacher is more than just someone who gives assignments and helps correct issues in their playing.
At any rate, best of luck with your student and if all else fails, make her play the Arban Carnival of Venice THAT'S a motivating force!
My two-cents for what its worth