Re: Miraphone thumbring opinions

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Posted by Rick Denney on January 05, 2004 at 17:35:32:

In Reply to: Miraphone thumbring opinions posted by Chuck(G) on January 03, 2004 at 13:27:08:

I installed one of these on my Miraphone back in the Orpheus days (1988?) and have had no problems with it. But I don't use it to hold up the instrument frequently (though I have done on occasion).

I suspect Joe's percentage of 3% is probably more like .3% from owners over the age of 25. And maybe .03% from people who can look at a piece of machinery and have a feel for how strong it is, like you can.

I greatly prefer it to the standard ring. The standard ring on my had a sharp edge that raised blisters and cut skin even through the eighth inch of callous that had formed. The adjustable ring has a more rounded edge.

Rick "who uses the thumb ring to balance but not lift the horn" Denney

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