Posted by Andy Smith on January 28, 2001 at 23:25:15:
In Reply to: Should I buy a horn? posted by Torn by Horns on January 28, 2001 at 21:56:49:
In my opinion (and take it for what it's worth), go to the nearest big tuba store (and if you want another opinion, either Baltimore Brass or Dillon Music are my 2 faves), and just try out stuff. There are so many brands and so many opinions of what to buy and what not to buy that you're better off chosing yourself. For instance, I can't stand the PT-6P's that Sean was talking about. They are really stuffy and they just don't sound the way that I want a tuba to sound. If they work for him, then that's great. You have to make the choice. You could end up loving a Meinl Weston 2155 or you may end up coming home with a Jupiter. Who the heck knows? Just another opinion
Andy Smith
Tubist at Ithaca College