Posted by Dick Renney on February 21, 2004 at 23:32:06:
I was checking out the Lipton/Veronie recital, and boy, that's a real cast of all stars!!! Ryan McGeorge handling that rainstick may be too much for me though. He's hot!!!. The last time I heard a program that strong, I was listening to the wind ensemble at BMHS in Cincinnati. The guest artist was featured on the Broughton, Ruby, and finished it off with a rousing rendition of Billy Blowhard!! Wow, what a lineup! Wish I could hear this UNT recital, but I no longer live in Dallas, and I will also be attending a Jupiter mouthpiece convention that weekend. Sorry! Be sure to send me a recording.
Live Long and Prosper,
Dick '"I love UNT and have too much free time" Renney