Posted by Do you really mean to say that? on February 07, 2001 at 02:42:01:
In Reply to: Re: Re: Re: Human Error in Tuba Making posted by Joe S. on February 07, 2001 at 01:46:37:
I don't think Mr. Curious is saying what you insinuate. But of course, you know this. I I suppose you would say the same thing regarding any type of repair or modification to an automobile or home or (pick your item/object). "If you don't like the way the repair is done, then do it yourself". Sheesh. And to display disregard for those who might express opinions of acoustical affects of the imperfections of an instrument. Do you think that certain procedures ought not be questioned?
It seems that what Mr. Curious _is_ saying is that, a repair technician might perhaps not presume that a _modification_ be made without first consulting with the instrument owner. Here's an example: let's say an instrument is brought in for a cleaning. If the player is not complaining about anything with regard to the playability of the instrument, should the repair technician remove any solder blobs, gaps, etc. without first speaking with the player? Upon consultation, the player may voice concern over certain issues, and the repair tech. might suggest that a given procedure might assist in alleviating a problem. In that case, the player and repair tech. work together and share responsibility for the result. But it seems improper to have a procedure done, then report to the player that "I did x, y and z", and expect the player to just accept it. It seems that you would like for the player to be thankful for the modification and simply accept it. Even if the repair tech. "knows better", the decision, IMHO, should be left to the player.
I must thank you for your post, as you have clearly demonstrated to me your outlook. I'm sure you have a vast clientele for whom you provide invaluable services, and I shall never be among them. It is certainly no loss to you, and you will undoubtedly still continue to have more business than you care to handle.