Posted by Loud ???? on December 07, 2001 at 13:20:50:
So I sat down today with a DB meter to see how loud I can play specific notes on my tuba. I'm courious what others out there on the web have come up with for Db levels in there own playing. The reason I ask is because I don't really know what loud is unless I know what other people can do on there tubas. This is in no way musical question I understand, and I'm sure loud can be really nasty sounding so I know the facts can be a little off.
I'm just courious how loud you can play each note in a C major scale 2 octaves playing whole notes for each pitch. It would be nice if you considered playing with the best tone as the only option for this question. I'm not really interested in the ego, or a pissin match, just courious if there is an average. Not how loud you can play for a lip spliting ear bashing nano second on a note thats super high etc etc etc..