Posted by hmmm... on April 05, 2002 at 14:31:13:
In Reply to: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: tubas at dillon posted by character ass... on April 05, 2002 at 11:13:12:
"I'll throw in the first cleaning at no charge" MW once whispered to me while I was trying a horn. Of course I knew that I would get that service at no charge anyway if I went through the web-site, but he was trying to make me feel like I was getting special treatment. And the whispering... sheesh... as if it was some kind of once-in-a-lifetime deal that he would give to me if I kept it secret from his boss. EXACTLY like the car dealer would do when he throws in those floor mats. Hmm.
I've also had friends watch in horror as the high school kid who has found a horn he's HAPPY with, suddenly has MW putting a 188 in his lap (you want to super-size that 186?). Once Mom had ok'd the more expensive horn, the floodgates had been opened. This was followed by working on mom and student, first on a gig bag, and then.... "check out this great music stand that fits right in the pocket of the gig-bag", etc. ad nauseum. He did good that day. Hmmm.
Anything wrong with his actions? Absolutely not! In my opinion, he's doing his job. But based on actual observation, he IS a salesman. He is NOT, as YOU might have us believe, "Saint Matt of the Tuba" giving his worldly advice for the betterment of tubakind. He's a salesman, and he is doing his job. I would definitely put the whole crowd at Dillons in that category, and I'd be shocked if they would disagree.
As for your assertion that he sold you the cheaper horn, how are you so sure he didn't make MORE money that way? Maybe the store has a bigger profit margin on that model. Maybe he has a dozen in the basement and more on the way, and is under pressure to unload them. Maybe, coincidentally, that was the best horn for you. Who knows? Certainly you don't. As long as you are happy, and you got such a great deal, what does it matter? If he didn't have any 2341's in stock, would he have had you wait several months? His success, you say, depends on long-term customer satisfaction. If he's REALLY good at what he does, he'll sell you what he wants based on his current inventory and still have you coming back for more.
Character assassination? There's a fine line in there. I don't see how calling a salesman a salesman is character assassination. But that's just my opinion. I understand where you are coming from though, and will cease what you call an "assault" on "the reputation of a person who depends on it for a living". But that leads to some questions to you.... Where are you on the seems-like-weekly threads slamming Custom Music and Tuba Exchange? Why don't you rush to their aid? Those are definitely reputation assaults, and you sit idly by. Should one store be immune to the opinions of consumers while the others get slammed?