Posted by Lee Stofer on September 15, 2002 at 15:24:59:
In Reply to: What F tuba do most professionals prefer posted by question on September 15, 2002 at 12:12:14:
In the US, I'd suspect that there are more B&S F tubas being used professionally than any other single brand. Most US tubists consider the F tuba as their secondary instrument, so the affordability and relatively good playing characteristics of these tubas over the last 25 years has made them an attractive alternative to paying the big bucks for an Alexander, Rudolf Meinl, or Hirsbrunner that might sit in the closet as much as it is actually played.
I suspect that the situation is quite different in other parts of the world, particularly in Germany, where an orchestral tubist might play F tuba as his primary instrument. For what it's worth, I have noticed a lot of European players playing Rudolf Meinls. You should hear the guy that plays in the Stuttgart Radio Orchestra. I heard him play a demanding concert in their home hall, using a 6-valve Rudi F. His performance really changed my mind about the effectiveness of playing an F tuba with full orchestra, even for more modern works.
Lee Stofer