Posted by Steve C on October 19, 2001 at 10:52:36:
In Reply to: OK, I did it - update posted by js on October 18, 2001 at 23:50:59:
"My Heavyweight R&S Helleburg II is better than a Schilke Helleburg II because of the extra mass" is what I get from other people. Granted, the R&S is a copy of the Schilke, but these are 2 diffent makers. Odds are there are also differences INSIDE the cup as well as outside. I would be willing to give the Conn copy a try next to my Conn Helleburg, but I would also use the standard weight a try with it (to make sure the difference IS the weight, and not a variation on the interior my R&S). There was someone who mention a Monette 94 to a Helleburg. That's a Different mouthpiece too. Its not a carbon copy another mouthpiece interior with more mass, its it's own mouthpiece.
But my point is, even most of us are comparing a "Helleburg" to a "Helleburg", they're not the same makes, and with vary somewhere else other than mass.
Ok, I'm going to shut my trap now
Steve C