Posted by dp on October 16, 2001 at 23:20:50:
In Reply to: Re: Re: Re: Bad News posted by So what to do.... on October 16, 2001 at 20:39:08:
what to do? my friend in GA, you can still follow your heart, please PLEASE keep practicing your horn! A LOT!! ASssuming you're in college now, get serious about some of the dreaded gen'l ed stuff and compliment your music journey with training in things like critical thinking skills (i.e. philosophy, logic, rhetoric, dry junk like that),
macro and micro economics, statistics (bleh), and work those lower-division required courses JUST AS HARD as you work your practice room routine. Seriously. Consider doubling your major and making your second mathematics, or biology, or physics ... i.e. a second major in a credentialing program where you CAN still teach, but in an area where there will ALWAYS be a demand for teachers. Remember too that your job doesn't have to be your dream, and when you can truly accept that ... you may find yourself one day getting that dream job, and (surprise surprise) it MAY not even be the job you are dreaming of today. Good luck, despite all of the doom, gloom, nay-saying, sniping, and infighting, we ALL are still very much pulling for those of you who are looking to your futures.