Re: Re: Re: Yamaha for Sale

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Posted by Tim from DC on November 07, 2002 at 13:44:21:

In Reply to: Re: Re: Yamaha for Sale posted by Ignore him... on November 06, 2002 at 18:38:04:


Oh, my UnderGod...

Way back in the day, when listservs were a big deal, I used to participate in a group called "Allmusic - a discussion of all things relating to music". Every year around September, and lasting til around Thanksgiving break, there would be torrents of abusive, barely coherent posts. All from Maricopa Community College.

Apparently they have an "internet for dummies" course. And it must be self-paced, in a "Log onto a BBS, Join a listserv, Compose an email" kind of way, because I can't imagine that an in-touch professor would tolerate this annual rite of gas-passing.

Our listowner would sent letters to the postmaster at Maricopa, asking that these children be given a little more guidance, but nothing was ever done. So, every year, the list would suffer through its Fall invasion of what we eventually started calling Maricoparasites.

They're just children, given a microphone, but who have nothing to say. So, they just holler inanities. (Anyone whose ever played a Wedding gig where a kid or a drunk gets a hold of a mic has seen this phenomenon.) Hang on, they'll be gone come Christmas.

But, like cicaidas, they'll turn up on an annual basis.

Wow, Maricoparasites. Never thought I'd be subjected to that again.

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