Posted by Bill on May 06, 2003 at 16:48:06:
In Reply to: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Our business posted by Joe Baker on May 06, 2003 at 16:11:23:
Free libraries make America a better society. It's a quality of life issue. What if the government subsidized anything anyone thought was art and made it free to anyone? The military bands come to mind. Fully subsidized by taxes, free to anyone who can get a ticket. Like the Smithsonian Institution. Now that's a socialist idea. Cultural institutions add to the quality of life in a region. Of course, libraries around the country can offer the same quality of book. Books can be mass produced, orchestras can't. However, how would you decide how much one orchestra makes v. any other? That may be one of the problems with the military bands (which are of varying quality). Everyone makes the same money, regardless of skill, just based on need. Best tuba player in the band, same as the worst player in the band. Less if you are newer.
Pure capitalism doesn't work for the same reason pure socialism doesn't work, human nature. Social controls are good for society. The uproar over giving tax dollars to cultural groups may just be society saying it has less need now than before for such institutions. However the orchestra in Philadelphia in its new hall (built with tax dollars and private donations) gets good crowds.
I will end with this thought: If people could work less (the 40-hour week is not what it once was), could support their families with a single income (not everyone, but most) would people go out more? Would families be stronger? Would community groups get more involvement? Would schools be better? Would orchestras and lawns and libraries have more patrons? I think that the demise of free time in this country (which includes more of a necessity of the two income family) is to blame for many of our societal ills.
Then again, I may be wrong.
Bill Nazzaro