Posted by Micky Wrobleski on May 17, 2002 at 16:26:45:
In Reply to: Re: Re: Dear I.T.E.A. posted by big mouth... on May 17, 2002 at 14:35:47:
Some food for thought.......
What a wonderful thing, this world wide web is. It gives us all (those with the appropriate technology) instant access to everything from sound bytes of a Mozart symphony to someone's opinion on oatmeal cookies.
I felt it necessary to respond to this thread on ITEA for a couple of reasons: 1) Having seen the inner workings and been close to members on the "inside" I can appreciate the great amount of work that goes into this organization. NOT ONLY in the tangible aspect (the Journal and the ITEC's) but also the intangible (the friendships and collaborations that come from meeting a "heavy" in person. 2) I was definitely on the fence about changing the name, and I would even say, opposed to it. So, I can see the coin from both sides.
That being said....
There are a couple of things people should consider before they decide to lamb-baste OUR organization. First, like it was stated in the above post, the "powers-that-be" are, for the most part, elected to their respective positions. Or, they have volunteered for a job someone wouldn't otherwise do. We ARE a not-for-profit organization. If you don't like the way a person is doing their job, see if there is some way you can get in contact with that person directly, air your feelings, in a civil manner, and see if maybe the two (or more) of you can come to a better solution. You may find, I would imagine, that whatever the case, your idea was probably already considered. We DO have some smart folks keeping ITEA going.....
Second, in regard to the "student advisory committee," simply put, this is a way to get the younger members to become older members. Get them young, and keep them. However you want to say it, it's a matter of longevity for our organization. Instead of griping about not having "open elections" for this, we should be glad that the younger members of our organization have taken the bull by the horns to start such a thing. Personally, I think there should be a delegate on the board from every music school. That way, anyone interested in any given school would have a "contact on the inside" which would be good not only to get someone's input on a particular teacher, BUT it would also give them a ready made acquaintance, albeit friend, should they decide to go to school there.
Next, in regard to what Mr. Phillips had in mind. I couldn't agree more. Harvey, like others of his generation, generations before, and the one after, were all a team. They celebrated one another's accomplishments, and were there to support there colleagues when they failed. From what I have seen, and the people I have talked to, they were, and are perfect examples of the proper balance of confidence and humility. (A small caveat: we, as an organization NEED to revisit our "brass roots"
Finally, I admit that I was hesitant about the name change, I LIKED the name TUBA. I still do. It was cute, it was campy, it was recognizable. To think that people could take issue with it bowled me over. I couldn't believe it. Until I became a member of a musician's committee, and realized how things affect people SO differently. In order to be an organization we need to find a common ground. I think that the current title accomplishes that perfectly.
I realize this isn't what everybody want's to hear, if I have deeply offended anyone, feel free to email me, I would be happy to discuss anything here further.
Respectfully submitted,
Micky Wrobleski
one final thought.....if you can't sign your name to something, why should anyone put any stock in it?