Re: Any ideas?

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Posted by Bryan on June 03, 1999 at 02:00:32:

In Reply to: Any ideas? posted by Kelly O'Bryant on May 31, 1999 at 16:54:22:

My first thought was the book by Timmothy Gallaway "The Inner Game of Tennis".
Now, when I think of great athletes I think of Jordan, Montana and the like. Their composure during play is such as it looks so easy! Like watching great musicians. It seems as anyone could do it. Now, it is obvious to us that these guys have mastered the basics to the point that it is simply second nature to them (almost instinct), and their performance becomes magical (art?).

That said, I imagine that most all great musicians have (wisely) spent hours listening to themselves (recordings) or other celebrated musicians (as have the great athletes studied tapes of themselves and other players). Additionally, both great musicians and athletes alike tend to associate themselves with other greats, and set their goals against themselves, not against others (no limits!)

Depending on where one is with their choosen dicipline, it is difficult to know who could learn more from who on this one. More than the natural talent each of us may possess, the final outcome will be more a case of drive and determination (how many of us have had such talented students with no 'internal' drive), mixed with a hatred of but no fear of failure.

This sounds like an exciting project. Let us know how it turns out.

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