Posted by Jacob on May 26, 1999 at 11:33:07:
In Reply to: Top action horns posted by Jon on May 24, 1999 at 20:09:47:
It depends on the brand, the make, etc. Some manufacterers do tend to make their tubas more flat/stuffier sounding than others. On the other hand there are tubas that are more bright sounding than others. Each design would be made available to suit the preference of each indvidual players. Some may prefer their instrument flat sounding others bright, etc. There are some bad horns in both side action valves and upright, at least could be bad to one person and great to another depending on the person...the situation, etc... Some upright valve horns aren't stuffy. I used to own a student modeled Bundy tuba that had upright valves. Except for the fact that it didn't have a 4th valve, I believe this tuba had everything a tuba player could ask for if upright valves were there preference. The best thing that I can advise is try out different horns in the configuration of the upright valve tubas. There could be some out there that you could like., that is, from what I experienced.