Re: Re: Re: Cool musical experiences

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Posted by Leland on May 25, 1999 at 10:26:52:

In Reply to: Re: Re: Cool musical experiences posted by Dave Seip on May 19, 1999 at 20:16:04:

It's unlikely that you saw a true "Mighty St. Joe's" -- aka "Sloppy St. Joe's" ;-) -- volume, since although it's one thing for regular corps players to learn how to properly handle extreme volumes, it's quite another for an alumni corps to reach the point of no return!

That being said, I'll clarify the point of my story about Toledo --
It wasn't because we were loud. We certainly were (one of the staff described our dynamic range as three volumes: fortissimo, RFL, and oh-my-god-what-the-hell-happened?!?!), but in terms of refinement, we had a long, long ways to go. We didn't really start playing well until a couple weeks later when we achieved a smooth groovy piano volume in the bossanova section of "Maria".

Our point with our first show was to have a complete program (meaning all drill, music, and flag work; not many other corps' shows were complete that night!) with a lot of energy to get the crowd going. Cleaning and refinement would come later. Even being as dirty as we were, we still succeeded in taking the crowd along for our ride, and we were then reminded why we were working so hard in rehearsals.


FWIW, I too have had many more unforgettable moments on the field than in the concert hall. There must be something worthwhile there...

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