Posted by Kevin Miller on May 12, 1999 at 23:31:31:
In Reply to: Re: Miraphone 186 vs St. Peterburg posted by Matt G on May 12, 1999 at 17:55:15:
I have owned a 186 and have also had the chance to play the St Pete. No comparison! The Mirafone is infinitely a better instrument than the St. Pete. But if I may make a suggestion? A student of mine recently purchased a VMI 2103 BBb and I have had a bit of time on this horn also. I was knocked out by its performance! It's a well designed, well built horn with a great focused sound for a very modest price. I am not cuurently able to carry this horn. Check out Dave Fedderly's Baltimore Brass website for more info.
Kevin Miller
Tulsa Band Instruments