Posted by Sean Chisham on May 09, 1999 at 10:29:02:
In Reply to: Re: M. Weston 2145 posted by Dale S. on May 09, 1999 at 09:11:06:
I play on an Hirsbrunner HB-21 and find some of your points a little off, while others maybe true. I am yet to see a Hirsbrunner which had worn out valves. Most of the piston valve sets used on the Swiss and German tubas are made by the same guy. If you take a close look at the valve set on a 2145 you will notice they are pretty much the same valves found on the 4/4 Hirsbrunners. On the HB-21's I have played the 4th partial seems to play reasonably well in tune. It is the 6th partial, up around F-A at the top of staff, which seem to be pretty sharp. This can be dealt which though.
I am not sure which horns you are comparing the Hirsbrunner to sound wise, but I have never really found them to sound dead when played well. I especially believe that some of the better built Yorkbrunners have very easy projection qualities. The good ones seem to blow with the ease of a 3/4 horn, yet are easily heard throughout a large hall.
I do agree wholeheartidly with you on the point of Hirsbrunners not being the "Holy Grail". Too many people rush into buying them due to their "mystique" when a different horn may have served them better. When I purchased mine there were fewer choices. I bought mine in 1994. This was before the 2155, PT-6p, or the Nirschl 4/4. If I were to buy a new CC today I am not sure what I would buy, but it would be more difficult to justify spending $12k+ on a horn which is not really any better, and possibly trailing, other offerings.