Posted by Ace on March 12, 2004 at 21:21:12:
In Reply to: Re: Re: baritone playing jobs in the military posted by Greg on March 12, 2004 at 18:46:32:
Hey Greg,
I was in the 21st Army Band at Ft.Lewis 1960-1961. It was a small 28 piece post band, under the Sixth Army Adjutant General Corps. Sam Brown was the band officer. Also stationed on the post at that time was the Fourth Infantry Division Band, 48 pieces, attached to Division Hq & Hq Company. Both bands often teamed up for parades in Tacoma, Seattle, and Vancouver B.C., but rarely were combined on post (one exception I remember was when the Secretary of the Army, Cyrus Vance, toured the post). Both bands used bell-front four-piston euphoniums (Conn I think). The 21st used one euphonium, and the Fourth used two. Teamed up, we put six (!) big Conn sousaphones on the parade ground. Our glock player was a young draftee who had been piano concerto soloist with the San Francisco Symphony------he hated the crudeness of the army. LOL