Posted by Chris R on March 01, 2004 at 19:53:39:
In Reply to: Re: Re: Re: Re: Physics of Tubas posted by AW on March 01, 2004 at 13:44:15:
I seem to remember reading something that was to the effect that Allen pointed out. Because of the cylindrical bore of a clarinet, it can play a m6 (concert Bb to the concert D below)lower than the oboe which is about the same length but has a conical bore. The same goes with a soprano sax which is also conical. It's pitched the same as a clarinet and is roughly the same length but only plays down to a concert Ab while the clarinet goes to the concert D below. All three of these instruments are closed at one end which is obvious because Allen stated that earlier...Am I right to assume that these properties have an effect on the harmonic series? It seems logical that a smaller (shorter) resonance results in a lower harmonic level. Does this make sense to anyone else but me?
Chris R.