Posted by Klaus on March 27, 2002 at 11:01:24:
In Reply to: Re: Re: Re: Re: Which Sousas for High School Marching? posted by Lee Stofer on March 27, 2002 at 09:59:58:
Weight certainly is a factor for non-monster-marching-musicians.
I do not march any longer, and with a Wenger chair the love for my Conn 40K is unrestrained.
On the hunt for sousas to fellow musicians I 2 years ago tested an older, but very well renovated, Conn without any model marking.
I can not tell of the bore, but all of the branches were considerably narrower than those of the 40K. The bell might have been only 22". There were only 2 fastening screws, 180 degrees apart, for the bell.
The amount of sound was surprising compared to the lightweight construction. The fake notes down to the pedal were quite good (of course the 40K is better on all points).
What model would that smaller Conn sousa have been?