Posted by js on March 16, 2002 at 17:26:14:
In Reply to: Re: Re: Re: gubmunt 'poser goes on tirade at concert posted by E. Oliver on March 16, 2002 at 16:49:16:
I think you've made (some of) our point(s).
The definition of "art" is not simple lashing out with grotesque emotion. That is why the phrase: "lashing out with grotesque emotion" exists... I'm sure that Johann Sebastian Bach felt nasty emotions quite often. Heck, with the discomforts of life two hundred and seventy five years ago, I can think of a lot more lashing out that could have (justifiably [??]) been done. However, he managed to keep his emotions under control within the context of his compositions and at the same time create imcomparable art which touches our emotions as no jar of urine with a Crucifix within ever could. There will be no more Bach's, Mozart's, Mahler's, nor Bartok's until we UN-dumb-down the definition of "art" from simply "the expression of emotion". My daughter rented a stupid movie yesterday called "Ghost World". As worthless as is that movie, there is one thing in that movie that is poignant: the art teacher, who is a symbol and a caricature of government "art". Has anyone seen it?
...and why are so many of these government artists so "angry"?...because they can't get any private sector gigs?...and when one IS given to one of them, they go on a public tirade if they are not the complete center of attention.