Posted by Sam Gnagey on March 25, 2001 at 22:45:14:
In Reply to: Ode to the Ophiclide posted by Phil on March 25, 2001 at 10:40:48:
"ode" to my Ophicleide: I just had some pads replaced on my 1840s Henry C ophicleide. I find it very enjoyable to play especially without the leaks. They are remarkable instruments. Too bad most of you will never get a chance to savor the sweet nature of this much maligned beast. I would encourage you to jump at the opportunity. There's a great deal that can be learned about tuba and euph playing by working to master this ancestor. You'd also find there are some good reasons why their use persisted long after the "superior" valved replacements made the scene. I feel quite fortunate to have one.