Re: First-time post, Mirafone 12955 pv

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Posted by Steve C on June 16, 2002 at 23:40:54:

In Reply to: First-time post, Mirafone 12955 pv posted by Dr. Phil Golson on June 14, 2002 at 02:03:58:

Suprised no-one has said it, but Welcome to the board!
Now the horn,
A friend of mine has one, and I gave it a toot. I recall it being a fine playing horn, but not that comfy. Actually I think it was quite awkward (sp?) to hold. I'll admit, part of it was his thumb-ring wasn't on it, but a screw was, but that wasn't all. Slides were a but strange to reach (I don't recall needing them though). And it was quite a TALL horn, that comming from someone 6'2. But the leadpipe was in a more comfortable spot for a horn that tall.
As for sound, I think it was more in the "Germanic" character, a bit more (who described this?) like a column than a blossom, VERY different than my Yamaha 822 CC (which doesn't have the classic Amarican sound, but comes close) but about the same amound of sound. I don't recall it projecting as well either, but that's hard to tell from the player's prospective. My bud seems to do a good job making it work in his band, even during outdoor concerts. And it does seem to hold together in louder dynamics.
I wouldn't say its BIG, didn't seem any bigger than the 822, just more stretched. So I'd give it that comfy nitch of large 4/4-small 5/4 size.

Steve C

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