Posted by Volker on June 04, 2002 at 16:53:29:
It might be of general interest, that the former brand name Bohland & Fuchs is causing excitement amongst European insiders whenever being mentioned in context with a tuba for sale. Experts and pros point out, that they never had or found any other tuba to emerge that unique great sound. It speaks for itself, that the famous German tuba professor Walter Hilgers is still playing and relying on his big Bohland & Fuchs Kaisertuba, now that any other actual tuba mfger would be only too glad to supply (or perhaps sponsor) a horn to him.
This brand name may not be so well known in the U.S. (Bohland & Fuchs was closed in 1945 for political reason in the post-WWII era), but whenever and wherever you see one for sale, PLEASE let me know. I am not the only one here in center Europe who is waiting for a chance.