Posted by ken k on June 25, 2000 at 19:11:50:
In Reply to: Everything I ever needed to know... posted by Joe Baker on June 23, 2000 at 15:32:43:
Joe, While I agree with your points, one must remember that many of these can be learned by playing a team sport (A bologna sandwich doesn't smell very good after two weeks at the bottom of a locker either).
If you are going to try to promote music education, you must use musical objectives to do so.
Does music make one smarter? I don't know; there are a lot of dumb people in band too. I often wonder if music make one smarter or if it just so happens that many smarter people are drawn to music?
One problem with the VH1 approach is, while muisc may make one smarter in math or reading, educationally we have to show that being musically intelligent will benefit one throughout one's life. I am a fraid that this VH1 tack could come back and hurt us in the long run. Right now I am just taking the approach that any PR can't hurt.
One thing is for sure that while studying music may make one smarter in Math or reading, studying math or reading will not make one a better musician! You can only learn that in band (or orchestra or choir).
ken k