Posted by Joseph Felton on June 10, 1999 at 00:36:52:
In Reply to: Re: Re: Re: Largest Tuba posted by Carl on June 09, 1999 at 16:53:05:
It would appear that I am mistaken then. Hrmm..
I questioned my own wisdom posting that 'fact' at the time, seeing as I couldn't remember the context of how I learned it. But I also knew that if I were mistaken someone would be good enough to correct me. For that I thank you.
Upon further reflection perhaps my memory exagerated the truth? Is it possible that more than two of these tubas use bells made by the same person? Or am I just totally out in left field here? For that matter, I do know that many European tubas have the same valve set. Who is this mysterious manufacturer at work behind the scenes?
With these new facts in mind.. perhaps the Weston 2165 is marginally larger than the other horns in this category. But I think my original point is still valid: I wouldn't choose any one of these horns over another based on the idea that it is 'bigger'. I realize that this wasn't what the original post was asking for.. but I think that in the long run this is actually a much more usefull answer. No?
joseph :)