Posted by Sean Chisham on June 09, 1999 at 16:26:57:
In Reply to: PT7P VS Neptune piston posted by Dan Bryce on June 09, 1999 at 16:21:31:
My opinion, based on tooting some tunes at ITEC 98 is that the PT-7P is much better than the VMI piston equivalent. The rotary Neptune, though, did seem to be a pretty good horn. The way I am led to understand it is the VMI horns and B&S Perantucci stuff are made by the same parent company, but the Perantucci line gets all the latest updates first. So the VMI piston equivalent to the PT-7p is actually a 2-3 year old version of the current PT-7p design.
The PT-7p was not a very good horn 2-3 years ago. It has been fairly recently that the horn has evolved into a dynamite instrument.