Re: Buy or not?

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Posted by Leland Jordon on June 03, 1999 at 15:05:55:

In Reply to: Buy or not? posted by Phyllis on June 02, 1999 at 11:52:09:

Adding to everyone else's --

There are a lot of tubas that change hands that never make it into the classifieds, this BBS, or any other published source. Those tubas are the ones that get sold through word-of-mouth.

Get to know members in local bands, music groups, school band directors, repair shops, etc. It seems to me that these are where the best deals come from (I got my first tuba, a 4-rotor BBb that I still own, for only $500 from a repairman, just because my family & I talked to the right people).

Besides, your daughter will see how much fun us "older" people still have with music (even though I'm _young_ on this BBS, I'm sure!).


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