Thein brass instruments

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Posted by Chris Hall on July 24, 1999 at 15:31:41:

Hi, there. There was a post last week or so regarding Thein tubas. There was a little bit of skepticism from one responder about whether these guys could make a great tuba. I have not played one of their tubas, but I have played a Cimbasso and a Contrabass Trombone of theirs, and was very impressed with both instruments. I was also impressed with the kindness of the Thein brothers. They are very freindly, and are interested in making the player satisfied with the instrument that they are making for them. Yes, these horns cost a lot of money, but so do a lot of other tubas.
The tubas are basically 4/4 Hirsbrunner shapes (my favorite), but with lighter-weight brass, and designs that suit the particular players that they were made for. If you are interested in their tubas (or Cimbassos!!!!), I would recommend contacting Thein by email; they can get you in touch with the owners of the tubas that they have made.

Thanks!, CJH,tubaMET

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