Posted by DavidK on January 21, 2004 at 14:31:39:
In Reply to: Miraphone 191 mouthpiece posted by Garrett on January 21, 2004 at 11:33:25:
Didn't you get a mouthpiece with your instrument? That would be Miraphone's recommended match.
Wipe the saliva off your chin (or not) and...
Go to a store that has a wide variety of mouthpieces. Then play-test several and find the one that is the best translator between you and your instrument. “The magic mouthpiece” that gives you exactly what you dreamed of getting out of your horn, and more! When you go to test and evaluate mouthpieces, take someone along with you that can listen to your sound. Get their feedback on what you sound like up close and far away, Hopefully the store has enough space for them to get 20 or more feet away, or in the next room.
The more technical info... the engineers and physicists on the BBS will fill in the details if they feel so inclined…
As far as general rules go, everyone is different, your milage may very, rules are made to be broken, you get the idea. Everything depends on the type and quality of sound and the feeling/comfort/endurance that want.
Some folks say if you play a large free-blowing or dark sounding horn, use a smaller – brighter sounding mouthpiece. Brighter sounding or more resistance in the horn, darker sounding or less restrictive mouthpiece.
I'm using a Dillon H-2-B. It has a slightly deeper cup than a Conn Helleberg and I had the rim turned flatter, but not as flat as a traditional Helleberg rim - works for me! It gave me a nice big sound out the 191 that Dillon's currently has in the store.
Good Luck!