Posted by Rob Bass on January 04, 2004 at 21:45:43:
I was able to go to Tuba Christmas directed by Fennell in Chicago, got to talk to Harvey Philips and Norlan Bewley for a while, it was a great experience. We talked about how to go about harnasing up a sousaphone to make it easier for young kids, as some kids are not up to carring such a large horn these days. He mentioned some thing about the old style music stands in which he had romoved some of the top parts off the stand and some how was it to support the sousaphone. Maybe it was a stationary stand I was not sure. But I felt proud to actualy have a conversation with a professional tuba man. From my understanding there was 435 tuba/epu players. For fire marshall laws, they could only let in about 100 spectators in the most beautiful Ball Room at the Hilton/ Potter House. We played two concerts to let a total 200 people hear the TC. To my understanding there were many more people in line to hear the concert. And much to my suprise was the only Helicon there, as some students were curious to have a look see, and ask "what is that thing"? Was hard to play with so many tuba/epu and stay together at times but what a rumble!!!!! next post more about TC.