Re: New Mouthpiece

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Posted by Barry Guerrero on January 15, 2002 at 16:16:49:

In Reply to: New Mouthpiece posted by Kyle on January 14, 2002 at 18:35:36:

I'm going to throw a curve here. I've never cared for any of the Helleberg permutations except for the Miraphone one. That one had the the more rounded, comfortable Miraphone type rim. It also seemed just slightly wider than the Conn 7B Helleberg. The Conn 7B is probably THE most uncomftable m.p. I've ever tried, and I just can't play the thing. That said, there are now tons of new variations on a Helleberg theme - all of them seem to mean a funnel that isn't too wide. I'd suggest that you keep asking and, more important, keep trying different ones before you settle on just one. There's got to be something out there that's less torture than the 7B. I think guys/gals who have thinnner lips can more easily deal with that m.p. I have lips that tend to swell quite a bit, so I'm more comfortable with the wider/shallower style of m.p.'s. I like the Marcinkiewicz "Jim Self" m.p. for just all around, everyday playing. Yamaha makes one also. However, it's a bit small for blasting away in a big orchestra (and playing lots of low watermelons), so I like the Dennis Wick 1L for that job.

Barry "just a thick lipped person's perspective - one who likes m.p.'s for long endurance" Guerrero

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