Posted by BBS, let's help this poster on January 29, 2001 at 19:59:54:
In Reply to: Re: Re: Should I buy a horn? posted by just me on January 29, 2001 at 12:05:50:
I thought this post might slip past most folks' notice. Here's my 2 cents. Agree or disagree, but add some collective wisdom . . . .
Things to consider:
1. Charlie Krause sells tubas in Dallas TX, with Brook Mays music. That may be as close as you can get to a "big store" with significant stock to try out.
2. Some stores (help him/her out, BBS folks) will ship you a horn to try out, that you can return with little or no restocking fee. You WILL be out the shipping cost, which WILL NOT be cheap, but it MAY be cheaper than round-trip air fare and the motel/food/rental car/etc.
3. Most of the larger stores (also check with Brasswind in Indiana and Dillon Music in New Jersey) also have a reasonable selection of used tubas. Charlie (AT) Brookmays, Mike (AT) Brasswind, Matt (AT) Dillons all have good reputations, and I would expect them to give you an honest assessment of the quality level of any used tubas they've got for sale. I'm sure there are other well-recommended places to check -- BBS folks? (to reach any of these folks, either search the archives for a phone number, or just ask this list)
4. You could look for one of the older tubas on ebay. Since Yamaha has a reasonable reputation for consistency and good quality, I might try to buy a YBB-321 as a decent student horn for a beginner. I recommend this as a horn that shows up frequently on ebay, without sky-high prices, and with a reasonable expectation that it won't be junk. The folks on this list may also have their favorites for a beginner who wants a good starter horn.
5. In your situation, I'd look for an acceptable, 4V B-flat tuba, with a reasonable reputation for quality. I'd try to buy it from a reputable music store, known for selling tubas -- you'll pay a little more, but you can ask an expert to try it out -- that's your "guarantee" of a certain level of quality.
Good luck,
Steve Inman
very fortunate to be just a couple hours drive away from Brasswind!