Shostakovitch "Lost in Space"

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Posted by Karl on January 22, 2001 at 23:48:41:

I authored a message regarding Shostakovitch, but I never saw the posting. I assumed something got hosed and the message was never actually posted, but then I read a reply that mentioned that there was an entire thread. I missed any of the replies, therefore here is the post again. Please reply again:

How can one buy/rent Shostakovitch orchestral works?

I play baritone in my church orchestra (actually I am a tuba player, but I can not afford one yet). We are fortunate that the orchestra is rather instrumentally balanced (except for a tuba) and plays mostly classical selections. The director mentioned to me that she wanted to play some Shostakovitch of the concert this spring, but she could not find where to order it. She said that an agreement between US and Russia several years ago effectively gave Russia all rights to his music and now we can not get it. Is this true?

If not, where can we order/rent it?

Karl Parks
Orlando, FL

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